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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Dont interrupt! RUDE!"

So there's a feeling I get when I know I need to blog, usually it feels like something inside of me is  bubbling over and I gotta get it out! Its been weeks since I've last posted, at first I expected to do it more often but the feelings have been more of a "simmer" lately not quite a "boil." I fully believe that God does not just simmer inside of people but boils and bubbles over until we cant contain it anymore. While it is very obvious that he is bubbling over in my life, sometimes he lets me know its just not the time to write, I dont know why other than "because He said so" but when something happens to turn up the volume a little more I know I have to come here, because just telling one or two friends about what's going on just doesn't cut it. I realized all this happening and it made me wonder why it's like that, how come I can't keep it in??

Well the obvious answer to this is a) its God. Duh. Who is completely uncontainable. but also because b) a love has been shown to me that is greater than I could imagine, doesn't that deserve some sort of response?

I guess my teenage girl instincts kicked in and this feeling made me think of a chick flick scenario. Ya know on movies and stuff when that nerdy kid who has a crush on the hottest girl in the school always will do anything and I mean ANYTHING for the girl? and all she does is laugh at him with all her friends! in the wise words of the great Bon Qui Qui, "RUDE!" It makes me mad just thinking about it. I mean you feel bad for the little guy! He spends his whole high school career sacrificing for this one girl, who doesn’t even pay him attention, and is kinda a jerk in the first place. I mean, if he asked her out she probably wouldn’t even bother with responding. But this to me seems to be so much like our relationship with God.

I mean we have this guy sacrificing anything and everything for us, his own son!, and we shrug it off so easy. AND we're not even that great! (just like homegirl in the chickflick) We're so messed up, so broken, yet we're endlessly pursued.

Random fact about me...When a girl and guy are starting to date and whatnot I believe the girl should be pursued. and I feel pretty confident in saying most...well maybe not most these days....but atleast SOME other girls feel this way as well. why you may ask? cause being pursued makes people feel wanted, who doesn’t want to feel wanted? It makes girls think "out of all of them, i'm the one he picked" It simply makes someone feel loved. and check it out...

"You did not choose me, but I chose YOU and appointed YOU to go and bear fruit" -John 15:16

Here God straight tells us wassup. But there are so many other real life examples of this in the bible. God CHOSE Noah, He CAME to Abraham, and PERSUED David. I mean David screwed up a million and one times but God kept coming for him, and David kept allowing God to work in his life. Keep in mind this is the same guy who was a thief, murderer, and adulterer yet God called him “a man after His heart.”

I can get really frustrated with myself a lot of times, it might be in that I simply don’t want to disappoint the Guy who loves me so much. It’s a silly thought I know, but the reason why its so dumb is because what can I do?! Not much. I’m imperfect and sinful and broken, like every other person on earth.

“I know that nothing good lives within me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good but I cannot carry it out.” –Romans 7:18

The good that is in us, is not from us, it only comes from Him. I love this little chunk of Romans cause Paul talks about how he can’t do any good without God. God is the one who initiates our relationship. All we can do is allow him to do that, surrender what we have, make room in our hearts so that it can be filled with goodness. (I like using the word “goodness” I mean what exactly does that even mean? It’s a fruit of the spirit but who even prays for goodness? I think the word is underused)

We see the things that God did in people’s lives in the Old Testament and think its crazy, but it’s the same God right? And he pursues us the same way he pursues them. So why don’t we give him a response? I think a love as great as that deserves a response. The same way it would be rude for a girl not to respond when a guy was asking her out on a date, so isn’t it rude not to respond when God is asking us out on dates? Trying to spend time with us? Trying to work in our lives?  But that in itself is the best part to me, the fact that no matter how rude we are to him, no matter how much we interupt his plans with ours, ignore or shrug him off he’s still determined to love us.

in His love,

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