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Friday, April 22, 2011

Always Forever

I've been having trouble with words lately. I can't quite say what I want to say. Not regularly, just when I describe God. How do you describe Him, the great, the powerful, the perfect, the sinless, the beautiful, the everything? It can't be done. As the song says "Indescribable, Uncontainable". And it's SO true.

In my walk with Christ he always finds a way to amaze me at how indescribable he is. It's like someones holding my tongue while I try to talk, I cant ever get out what I'm feeling inside. The only words I can find to describe this beautiful thing that I seem to feel all around me is Always Forever. two words that really can't be described in the first place.

As humans we live our lives centered around time. What time we need to get up in the morning, what homework we need to have done by Monday, what I need to do before I leave for college...those are just a few in my life right now. It all revolves around one thing. Time. Our minds can't even comprehend the idea of their being an Always, OR Forever. But that's what God calls us to, he calls us to set our eyes upon that which is eternal. To focus on that which we cannot even comprehend. and that's where the uncontainable part comes in....

While God keeps pouring out his love to me, I have become a tad bit full, I'm beginning to overflow. I can't keep it in, its ALMOST like the way you felt when you were in middle school and you had your first kiss and you went in your room and shut the door and jumped all around and thought you were the coolest kid on the planet even though both of you  had braces and didn't know what you were doing so it was actually just really awkward.....okay maybe I'm the only one that had an experience like that, and it may be a TEENY bit of a stretch, but not really. It's been a few years since those days, but even though a first kiss doesn't send me jumping on my bed anymore, feeling God pour out his love for me does. It's Uncontainable. It does things in me that I didn't even know I could do, or want to do...small example: having a blog.

And so here I am, typing without even thinking about what I'm saying. I'm totally just speaking, or i guess writing, out of feeling. Something i usually try to avoid, but for some reason it just feels right. I never thought about blogging. Actually my brain just laid an idea egg today and a blog hatched out. (excuse my Easter spirit) So, like how it always seems with God, I don't really know what's going on, which I've begun to get used to with Him. But what I do know is that this is about Him, not me, so I guess we'll see where the Always Forever leads this.

You are the hand that catches my fall
You are the friend that answers my call
You are my day, You are my night
You are my love and all of my life

You are the love I need
You are the air I breathe
You are my love my life always forever
I would lay down my life
Just to be by Your side
You are my love my life always forever

You are the grace that covers my sin
You’re everything the beginning and end
You have my soul, my heart and my mind
You have my love and all of my life

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, forever

until next time,
In Christ's Love

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